
-:Affiliation Criteria:-
We feel happy to co-operation with like minded educational organizations. Who fufillA the aim & objects of the Vidyasagar Open & Vocational Education.
Any educational institute which working for the development of education.
Any Registered Society / TrustA which working for the developmentĀ of education.
Any experienced person / educationist who runA an educational institute.
Who fulfil the terms and conditions of the board is eligible for the affliation.
For more information about affiliation, please contact our administrative office.
Condition for the Affiliation of Study Center/ Regional Center
The school should be run by a Registered Society or Trust and one of the principal purposes of such Society or Trust must be Educational.
The Society or Trust should have financial stability.
The medium of instruction must be English and the scheme of studies must be in accordance with the scheme laidA down by the Council for the examination at the senior school stage and approved by the Council at the junior schoolĀ stage. Special importance is attached to English including oral English which must be of a high standard.
The staff must be properly qualified in accordance with the qualifications prescribed by the Council and paid salaries atA rates, including allowances, not lower than those in corresponding State Government Schools.
There should be a Compulsory Provident Fund Scheme.
The accommodation should be adequate and suitable having regard to numbers and sex of pupils attending theĀ school.
The playing fields and/or other facilities for extra-curricular and co-curricular activities must be of a good standard inA relation to those considered practical and desirable in the particular area. Special attention must be paid to physical education, art and music, though it may not be the intention to offer such subjects for the examination.
The equipment should be adequate to enable all subjects to be taught efficiently and must include a library, andA apparatus for practical work. Where Science, Home Science or Technical subjects are offered for the examination, theA premises and the apparatus and equipment must be approved by the Council.
The number of working days and hours should conform to those prescribed by the Council from time to time.
Important Document for Affiliation:-
Associate Society Certificate of trust.
Society trust constitution certificate copy.
Management College/School copy.
School/College to Attested to copy proposal.
School/College Building Certified Map.
School/College Building Photo Graph.
School/College Bank Draft Rs.2000/- (Survey Fee)A Vidyasagar Open & Vocational Education TRUST payable at MEERUT.
School/College Staff List.
School/College Two Passport Size Photo, ID Proof and Supper dents.
Manager/ Supper dent Notary Stamp Rs.100/-.
School/College as a Study Center the Accredited Recognized Fee Rs15,000.00/- in name of payable at Delhi. After 15 day College will be declared.
Regional Center the Accredited Recognized Fee Rs.25,000.00/- in name of Vidyasagar Open & Vocational Education payable at MEERUT. After 15 day College will be declared.
Master FranchiseĀ the Accredited Recognized Fee Rs.40,000.00/- in name Vidyasagar Open & Vocational Education payable at MEERUT. After 15 day College will be declared.
School/College room specification.
1. Principal Office(1) 2. Staff Room (1) 3. Library Room(1) 4. Class Room(2) 5. Science Lab(1)